Three Common Reasons Why Your Roof Is Leaking

The Queensland summer season is well known for its storms, which bring driving rain and strong wind. Now that storm season has passed, inspecting a home's roof is a task many homeowners must attend to.  Finding the cause of the leaking roof is the first step towards any roof repair work so use this helpful guide to see if these three common roof leaking reasons apply to your home.

Debris Build-Up 

The summer storm winds are strong and they carry with them all types of loose debris. From tree branches to leaves, small pieces of rubbish to sheets of loose metal, there is no limit to what may land on your roof during storm season. A build-up of debris is one reason for leaking roofs because rainwater gets trapped beneath the debris. With no chance to evaporate away or runoff, water sits beneath the debris and looks for any means of escape. Once the water finds an opening in your roof, it then drains through here and becomes trapped on your ceiling. Debris buildup on the roof is a visually obvious issue so remove it as soon as you can.

Compromised Roof Vents

Every house has at least one protrusion that extends through the roof and this extrusion breaks the seal of protection provided by the roof. Examples of protrusions are a chimney, whirly-bird ventilation, skylight or plumbing overflow pipe. Over time, the sealant surrounding this protrusion deteriorates, and once the seal is compromised, then water can leak through at this spot and enter the ceiling. A roofer can check the sealant and apply a new sealant to your roof if you suspect that this is your issue.

Damaged Metal Sheets, Shingles or Tiles

Another common reason for water leaking through the roof is damage sustained by the roof covering. Whether your roof is metal sheets, shingles or tiles, these all have the potential to be damaged if struck by flying debris. Additionally, the material holding the roofing in place can fail over time. For example, metal roof sheets are nailed to the roof trusses beneath them, but the nails may corrode over the years and rust away. Water may enter through the rusted portion and pool in your ceiling. Again, you need a qualified roofer to get onto your roof and inspect it if you suspect this is the cause of your roof leak.

The fastest way to get a roof repair done is to call in the professionals. Not only is it safer for you to stay off the roof, but it is also faster to diagnose the issue this way because a roofer has the expertise to quickly locate the source of your leaking problem. 
